Do You Want More Spiritually Uplifting Movies & Media Programs?
(Minneapolis, Minnesota - USA )- Joan Holman, President of Joan Holman Productions and creator and producer of the award-winning PBS television program The Legacy of Achievement featuring the lives and lessons of great achievers, has established The Spiritual Cinema Alliance, an orgnaization foundation dedicated to promoting spiritually-elevating films and inspirational media as well as faith and family friendly media.
Ms. Holman says:
"The entertainment industry profoundly influences the consciousness and behavior of audiences worldwide. Darkness, gratuitous violence, pessimism, profanity and negativity has escalated at alarming rates in movies, television, video games and popular music. Environmentalists discuss the physical pollution of the planet, but I am just as concerned about the cultural pollution of the planet. If we want a better world, a more spiritually elevated world, then we need to produce appealing films and media programs that feature spiritually uplifting messages, images and music. I founded the Spiritual Cinema Alliance to be a force in making this happen."
The Spiritual Cinema Alliance will work towards promoting spiritually-elevating movies and media programs in the entertainment industry. It will enlist cooperation from, and association with, individuals and organizations dedicated to supporting and promoting Spiritual Cinema.

The Spiritual Power of Movies & Media Programs
"Art is the first and last hope of humanity. Performing artists observe life more deeply and they transform life to others through their art....People are not aware that what they believe is causing how they behave. Beliefs create behaviors. Good art causes us to change our opinions about who we are."–Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God
Joan Holman Message to Media Producers About Using Their Art to Create A Better World:
"Let's use film to create a future world of peace, beauty and truth. Let's take people to this world -- on the screen -- and implant these images into their consciousness. Let us paint the beautiful pictures, play the beautiful music, and unleash the power of collective visualization to outpicture the world we all hope for. We know that we create what we imagine, what we visualize. And, wherever we put our attention is where our our creative energies flow. By giving our life force to the creation and viewing of films that show darkness, despair, destruction, we are, in fact, creating that very future for ourselves and for this planet. That is the future through the eyes of people who embrace death, and not life.
The word 'image' represents the concept of 'i-magic,' or 'eye-magic.' When you have thousands, millions, hundreds of millions of people holding their attention on dark images of the future, that is what will be created for the future. So, let's accept the challenge from Hollywood producer Stephen Simon. He says that people are ready for positive futuristic movies. He spoke about the mythical 'Lemurian dreamers,' people who would dream realities for other people. Let us be the dreamers who dream a reality of absolute magnificence, and who transform the face of the entertainment industry in America and the world. Of course, we must still adhere to the structural patterns of great storytelling, and these movies must be, as Christopher Vogler says, (author of "The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Storytellers & Screenwriters') 'dramatic, entertaining, and psychologically true.' "
What Is A Spiritually Exalting Film?
It is a film that uplifts and inspires, that explores higher realities and the spiritual potential of individuals.
It is a film that exalts the worth of the individual and shows the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. It is a film that differentiates between light and darkness and affirms light as the essential nature of all things spiritual.
It is a film that leads people, through images, music and messages, to create inner and outer worlds of beauty, truth, love, harmony and happiness.